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なお、特注品のためカスタムフォームに表示される価格や出荷予定日、型番などの情報は参考情報となります。お見積のご依頼後、正式な見積書を改めて提出いたします。下記Step 1~Step 5入力後、最後に表示される「Add to Cart」ボタンで製品をカートへ追加し、ウェブの見積依頼機能にて、お見積りをご依頼ください。
下記のカスタムフォームのStep 1へご入力いただくと、Step 2以降が表示されます。
光ファイバーケーブルは、右図が示すように主に5つの部分で構成されます。 コアの材料はガラスまたはプラスチックで、光を伝搬する光路となります。 コア径が大きいほど、そのファイバが伝搬できる光の量は大きくなり、大きなビーム径の光がファイバに入射できます。 ファイバが受容できる光の入射角の範囲は、コアの開口数(NA)によって決まります。 クラッド層は、光をコアに封じ込め、ケーブルの他の部分に吸収されることを防止します。 コーティングまたはバッファは、コアやクラッドを保護して、強度を向上させます。 その外側にはケブラ繊維などでできた層があり、ケーブルを補強して応力による損傷を防ぎます。 さらに外側にはチューブがあります。 この1番外側にあるチューブは、ファイバを保護してさらに補強する役割を果たします。 このチューブは通常は色付きで、その色によってケーブル内の光ファイバの種類が分かるようになっています。
当社のケーブルのチューブ色は業界基準に準拠しています。 シングルモード(SM)ファイバは黄色、マルチモード(MM)ファイバはオレンジ色、そして偏波保持(PM)ファイバは青色です。 カスタムパッチケーブルについては、ご希望に合わせてチューブ色とファイバを組み合わせることができます。一部の製品については、ご提供可能なØ900 µm被覆の長さに制限があります。下表をご参照ください。
Jacket Lengthsa | |||||
Item # | FT900Y | FT900SM-BLUE | FT900KY | FT900KB | FT900KK |
Maximum Length | < 5 m | < 3 m | < 10 m | < 10 m | < 10 m |
当社では大きく分類して4種類のファイバをご提供しております。シングルモード(SM)ファイバ、マルチモード(MM)ファイバ、偏波保持(PM)ファイバ、希土類添加ファイバをご用意しています。それぞれの種類についての説明は下記をご参照ください。ここではカスタム光ファイバーパッチケーブルとしてご提供できる全ての光ファイバをリストアップしており、用途に適した製品をお選びいただくための基本仕様を記載しています。 ここに記載したファイバは、他の様々な光ファイバと同様に単体での販売もしております。こちらをクリックしていただくと、当社が提供している全種類のファイバをご参照いただけます。 ファイバに関する詳細は当社までお問い合わせください。
SMファイバは、コア径が小さく、1本のファイバを伝搬するモードは1つです。このモードによって、光がどのように空間を伝搬するかが決まります。 シングルモードでは、光はファイバ軸に沿って伝搬します(右図をご参照ください)。 SMファイバでは、光の波は同一モードとなりますが、周波数は異なります。このタイプのファイバは、入射パルスの波形が長距離にわたって維持される必要の ある用途に適します。SMファイバは広い帯域幅と低いモード分散が特長です。
感光性シングルモードファイバはUV域で高い感光性を実現するために設計されました。 この種類のファイバは標準のSMファイバと比較して接続損失率が低く、広い用途にお使いいただけます。 こちらをクリックしていただくと、詳しい情報がご参照いただけます。
Photosensitive SM Fiber Options |
SM Fiber Options |
Ultra High NA SM Fiber Options |
コア径が大きなマルチモード(MM)ファイバでは1つ以上のモードで光が伝搬します。 光はSMファイバのようにファイバ軸に沿って伝搬するだけではなく、軸から離れてクラッドに向けて伝搬する場合もあります(右の動画をご参照ください)。 コアとクラッドの境界面では全反射が起こるので、ファイバ軸に向けて光が反射します。 一般にMMファイバはSMファイバと比較して、高いNA値を有し、コア径が大きいので、大きな入射角度でより大きなビームを集めることができます。 またSMファイバよりも狭い帯域幅で、モード分散の影響を受けやすい特長があります。
モード分散は、モード間の伝搬速度の違いであり、入射 光パルスの歪みを引き起こします。 このファイバでは各モードがジグザグに進みますが、ジグザグの回数が多いモードは、直進に近い状態で伝搬するモードに比べて、ファイバの終端部にたどり着 くタイミングが遅くなります。 伝搬速度の異なるモードがファイバの終端部で重なる時、そのパルスは広がります。
MMファイバには主に2種 類あり、それはステップインデックス型とグレーデッドインデックス型です。 ステップインデックスファイバのコアの屈折率は全体に渡って一定です。 一方で、クラッドの屈折率はコアのそれよりも低く、コアとクラッドの層間では屈折率は急激に低くなります。 その結果、一部のモードは何度も反射を繰り返して進むことになります(右の動画をご参照ください)。 ステップインデックスファイバは、通常は他の材料をファイバに添加して製造されます。
グレーデッドインデックスファイバでは、コア中心から 遠くなるにつれて屈折率が徐々に小さくなります。 その結果、コアとクラッドの境界における屈折率の変化ははるかに緩やかになります。 変化が滑らかになることで、各モードはファイバ中を正弦波を描きながら進むことになります(右の動画をご参照ください)。 グレーデッドインデックスファイバのモード分散は、ステップインデックスファイバと比較して非常に小さくなります。 各モードが放物波形を描くことで、光は繰り返し集光されます。 中心部の屈折率が大きいため、ファイバ中心をまっすぐに進むモードは、大きな正弦波を描きながら進むモードと比べて非常に遅く伝搬します。 その結果、終端部で得られるパルスはあまり分散せず、入射パルスに極めて近いプロファイルを有することになります。
この耐ソラリゼーションマルチモードファイバは、UV域から近赤外域(180~1150 nm)の波長で優れた性能と透過特性を有します。 標準的なファイバと比較して極めて優れた紫外線への耐光性があるので、これらのマルチモードファイバは汚染分析や化学反応の分光分析、UVリソグラフィや 光線療法の用途に適します。 ポリミイドで被覆されたファイバであるために300 °Cの高温に耐えます。このファイバの詳細についてはこちらをご覧ください。
High OH Step-Index MM Fiber Options |
Graded-Index MM Fiber Options |
Low OH Step-Index MM Fiber Options |
Solarization Resistant Step-Index MM Fiber Options |
偏波保持(PM)ファイバでは、入射光の一部の偏光状態が伝搬中も維持されます。 PMファイバには様々な種類がありますが、基本的には同じ原理です。クラッド内のロッドによって、コアに応力がかかる構造になっています。 この意図的な応力によってファイバ内の光の偏波が特定の状態で保持されます。 当社では2種類のPMファイバ、パンダ型とボウタイ型をご提供しております。 これらのファイバ型の名前は、ファイバ内のストレスロッドの形状によって名付けられています(右図をご参照ください)。 PMファイバは、干渉分光法や量子暗号通信で使用されます。 また、レーザ光源と変調器を接続する通信用途でも一般的に使用されています。 PMファイバは、SMファイバやMMファイバと比較して挿入損失が高いファイバです。
特記すべきは、PMファイバが入射光を偏光するのでは なく、ストレスロッドを利用して入射光の偏波状態が維持される点です。 偏光消光比(PER)の数値に表されているような高品質の出力を維持するために、ファイバのキー方向は製造工程中にアライメントされています。 PER値が高いということは、ファイバへの入射光とファイバからの出射光の偏光状態がより一致している、ということを示しています。
Bow-Tie Style PM Fiber Options |
Photosensitive PM Fiber Options |
PANDA Style PM Fiber Options |
Polarizing Fiber Optionsa |
Spun Fiber Optionsa |
Erbium-Doped SM Fiber Options |
当社では1530~1610 nm の波長域で動作するファイバーレーザや増幅器に適した多種類の高添加エルビウム添加ファイバをご提供しています。 これらのファイバは、通信用増幅器(EDFA)、高出力PON/CATVブースタ、さらに計測、工業、医療用途に使われる超短パルス用増幅器などの幅広い 用途でお使いいただけます。 こちらをクリックしていただくと、このファイバに関する詳しい情報がご参照いただけます。
Double Clad Ytterbium-Doped MM Fiber Options |
当社では光増幅器、ASE光源、高出力パルスやCWファイバーレーザで使用できるイッテルビウム添加光ファイバをご提供しています。 これらのファイバは、最新の希土類添加ファイバ製造技術を用いて加工しています。 こちらをクリックしていただくとこのファイバに関する詳しい情報がご参照いただけます。
Passive Double Clad Fiber Options |
当社のパッシブラージモードエリア(LMA)ファイバは、アクティブファイバ側のコア径や開口数と整合するようになっており、ファイバーレーザや増幅システム全体を通して非常に優れたビーム品質が維持できます。 外側のクラッド径は、融着時にアクティブファイバを「丸く」変形させるように設計されており、パッシブファイバとアクティブファイバの接合部における励起 光の結合損失が低くなります。 パッシブファイバは屈折率の低いフルオロアクリル系の樹脂でコーティングされており、アクティブファイバへ励起光を導波します。 こちらをクリックしていただくと、このファイバに関する詳しい情報がご参照いただけます。
コネクタにより光ファイバは終端処理され、接続部の脱着が迅速かつ簡単に行えるようになります。 コネクタは、ファイバのコアを機械的に結合して、遮るものの無い状態で光を一方のコアからもう一方のコアに伝搬させます。 当社では、パッチケーブルの終端処理として、コネクタ無しのフラットクリーブと6種類のナローキーコネクタがお選びいただけます。
ファイバの終端処理でフラットなクリーブを形成するには、ファイバ軸に対してファイバの切断面が垂直かつフラットとなるように、加工条件を細かく管理して破断します。 この終端処理では、ファイバにはコネクタが付きません。 フラットなクリーブが形成されることで、ファイバ素線での接続が可能です。 フラットクリーブは、コネクタを利用しない機械的な接続や融着接続、または自由空間での用途に適しています。
ハサミによる切断は、迅速に行えますが、ファイバ端は平坦にはならず、そのままスプライスすることはできません。 この切断方法は、ファイバのクリーブに熟練したお客様や、お手持ちのコネクタを用いて終端処理を行うお客様に適しています。 ハサミで切断したファイバは使用前にクリーブおよびコネクタ付けする必要があります。
ネジ切り加工付きのFC/PCコネクタは、振動の多い環境で使用できる設計です。 コネクタ名称の「PC」は「physical contact(物理的接触)」の頭文字で、このコネクタでは接続部分でファイバが直接接触することを示します。 FC/PCの端部にあるフェルールはセラミックまたはステンレススチール製で、コネクタがポートにネジ締めされたときにファイバにかかる負荷をコントロールするためにバネが付いています。
このシングルモード(SM)FC/PCコネクタには、後方反射が最小に抑えられるように、球面加工(R20 mm)されたセラミック製フェルールが付いています。 SM FC/PCコネクタの穴寸法の公差は+1/-0 µmで、最大同心度は1 µmとなっています。
当社のマルチモード(MM)FC/PCコネクタには、挿入されるファイバ径に合った精密内孔があり、最大同心度は3 µmとなっています。
偏波保持(PM)ファイバ用に連続的に調整可能なキーが付いたFCコネクタがあり、コネクタの背面部分が回転可能で、ファイバのスロー軸またはファスト軸に合わせることができます。 コネクタをアライメントした後に接着剤を塗布することで、位置固定できます。 当社で工場出荷前にアライメントを実施したPMファイバのパッチケーブルをご希望の場合は、要求された仕様に合わせたコネクターキーでの製品提供も可能です。
このコネクタの基本設計は、FC/PCコネクタと同様ですが、ファイバの端部が角度付きで研磨されているのが特長です。 このコネクタ名称のAPCは「Angled Physical Contact(角度付きの物理的接触)」の頭文字で、2本のファイバが接触する境界面で反射された光が元のファイバに戻ることを防ぎます。 FC/APCコネクタは相手がAPCコネクタでなければ適切に接続できません。 FC/APCコネクタを他の種類のコネクタと接続すると挿入損失が高くなります。 このコネクタは後方反射を軽減しますが、FC/PCの同等品と比べて挿入損失が高くなります。
当社のFC/APCコネクタは後方反射を大きく抑制する設計で、-65 dBを実現します。 当社では識別用にAPCコネクタのブーツが緑色になっています。
このコネクタ名称のSMAは「subminiature version A(サブミニチュアバージョンA)」に由来しますが、このコネクタはラージコアのマルチモードファイバに使われています。 これらのコネクタも当社のFC/PCやFC/APCコネクタと同様にネジ切り加工付きです。 当社は、クラッド径が125~1580 µmのファイバでは、SMAコネクタを標準品としてご提供しています。
このコネクタ名称のSTは「Straight Tip(ストレートチップ)」に由来し、バヨネット型のマウントがついているので、脱着が簡単に行えますが、ファイバの固定度が他のコネクタに比べてやや劣ります。
このシングルモード(SM)STコネクタには、後方反射を最小に抑えるように球面加工(R20 mm)されたセラミック製フェルールが付いています。 STコネクタの最大同心度は1 µmです。
また当社ではマルチモード(MM)ファイバ用に設計されたSTコネクタもご提供しています。 当社の標準的なコネクタでは内孔寸法が140 µmとなっていますが、お客様のご要望にあった穴を加工したコネクタを製作することもできます。 これらのコネクタの最大同心度は1 µmです。
*ST®はLucent Technologies社の登録商標です。
このコネクタの名称は「Subscriber Connector(サブスクライバーコネクタ)」に由来しますが、これらのコネクタはスナップイン式で素早くかつ簡単に脱着できます。 当社のSC型コネクタの内孔寸法はØ125 µmで、後方反射を最小に抑えるように球面加工(R20 mm)されたセラミック製フェルールが付いています。
LCコネクタは「Lucent Connector(ルーセントコネクタ)」とも呼ばれ、SCコネクタに類似していますが、フェルールはSCコネクタの半分のサイズです。 当社ではシングルモードファイバ用のLCコネクタを標準品としてご提供しています。 お客様のご要望に合わせて、クラッド径がØ127 µmまでのマルチモードファイバ用のLCコネクタもご提供可能です。 このコネクタは小型であるので、多数のコネクタを狭いスペースで使用する場合などに適します。
Posted Comments: | |
David Myers
 (posted 2024-09-27 13:41:50.553) Cart retrieval with custom fibers from the configurator doesn't seem to work. They show up as Invalid Items. jpolaris
 (posted 2024-10-02 06:11:10.0) Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. For custom configured items such as patch cables made using our custom patch cable configurator tool, cart forwarding and retrieval is not currently an option. If you require a quote from us, you can use "Export Cart" and email the resulting spreadsheet to us at techsupport@thorlabs.com. Alternatively, you can make the purchase directly through our website. Kent Ramthun
 (posted 2024-04-15 17:18:44.65) Can you make an Armored patch cable 30m long?
Would like PM980 fiber with FC-PC on one end and FC-APC on opposite end. jpolaris
 (posted 2024-04-22 06:28:26.0) Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Requests for customizations such as this can be made by emailing us at techsupport@thorlabs.com. I have reached out to you directly to discuss the feasibility of this request. Shreyas Rajebahadur
 (posted 2024-02-27 10:34:33.713) Hello,
Would you be able to make a custom patch cable with the follow specs:
Connectors: High power SMA to high power FC/APC.
Fiber code- FG200LCC.
Length- 2m
Thanks jdelia
 (posted 2024-03-04 11:42:47.0) Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We unfortunately do not offer FC/APC connectors with a bore large enough for a 200 um diameter fiber, nor do we offer FC/APC connectors specifically designed for high powers. I have reached out to you directly to discuss your application. Alasdair Taylor
 (posted 2023-08-08 14:48:27.523) Hello, Am looking to get a PM custom fiber with the metal jacket and a panel through mount to terminate the metal jacket, with a non-jacketed fibre on the 'inside'. The metal part will be outside the system and thus needs the protection and I intend to splice the inner part so it does not need a connector. The metal jacket needs an FC/APC.
Alasdair cdolbashian
 (posted 2023-08-16 12:21:50.0) Thank you for reaching out to us with this request! For custom requests which can't be configured with our "custom fiber configurator" web tool, please reach out to our custom team at techsales@thorlabs.com. I have reached out to you to clarify the specific configuration in which you are attempting to achieve. Lorenzo Lavista
 (posted 2023-08-02 08:42:10.693) Hi, I wanted to know if it was possible to have a costumized FT1500UMT fiber only 30 cm long. Thanks jdelia
 (posted 2023-08-02 02:15:26.0) Thank you for reaching out, Lorenzo. Yes, this is possible. You can configure this cable using our Custom Patch Cable Configurator located here: https://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=2410. Ben Routley
 (posted 2023-07-18 16:33:28.653) Hi,
Do you still offer custom patch cables using HB1060Z fiber? cdolbashian
 (posted 2023-07-21 03:07:34.0) Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry! We do still indeed offer patch cables with these fibers. Please feel free to email us at techsales@thorlabs.com if you are interested in such a configuration. Kenny Huang
 (posted 2023-05-08 19:14:01.12) Hi there. I had customized a step index multimode fiber for OCT project to directed my SLD light source with wavelength 950~1050nm into spectrometer, but it was weird that fibers always induced large noise on spectrum. However, this issue won't be happened if directed without fiber(free-space input). Different fibers and spectrometers had been tested with it but came out with the same result. Is it possible to solve by using graded-index fiber or just single mode fiber? jpolaris
 (posted 2023-05-10 11:56:59.0) Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. There are a few possibilities for why noise could be appearing in your spectrum. A common reason for this is due to backreflections into your SLD that originate from later points in your system. SLD's are very sensitive to backreflections, so care must be taken to mitigate this. I have reached out to you to inquire more about your system and to hopefully isolate the source(s) of the noise. Mario Stipcevic
 (posted 2023-04-30 08:39:15.107) Hello!
I need a specifiic patch cable that I cannot order from pull-down menus, or at least I do not understand how.
Here are the required characteristics:
- One connector is LC/APC
- The other connector is FC/UPC (or FC/PC in Thorlabs naming)
- Fiber is SMF28e+ (Please confirm that is is equivalent of Corning G.652.D)
- Length 5 meters
- Jacket must be black and suitable for polarization controller FPC560, I guess Hytrell 900um BLACK jdelia
 (posted 2023-05-01 11:06:55.0) Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We unfortunately do not offer LC/APC connectors, and we currently offer SMF-28 Utra rather than SMF-28e+ fiber. If you would still make a similar cable to what you requested using what we do have, you may build your patch cable using our custom patch cable configurator located here: https://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=2410. I have reached out to you directly to discuss your application in case these caveats are not acceptable. Antonin TROGER
 (posted 2023-04-17 09:01:52.283) Hi,
We are interested for patch cables with FG105LCA fiber and ST connectors on both ends. Regarding the ferule's material : Does your ST connectors only come with stainless steel ferrules (that's what we have received) or is it possible to order ST connectors with ceramic ferrules?
Also, is there any issue mating a ceramic ferrule with a stainless steel ferrule?
Thanks jgreschler
 (posted 2023-04-17 09:19:13.0) Thank you for reaching out to Thorlabs. We do carry a multimode ST connector with ceramic ferrule under part number 10127C, so depending on the size of the fiber that is the correct choice for fabrication. You can reach out to techsupport@thorlabs.com to specifically request we use one or the other in production. Yes ceramic and steel ferrules are able to be mated directly to one another. Ren Xiaoning
 (posted 2023-04-12 16:10:28.18) 你好,
谢谢! cdolbashian
 (posted 2023-04-13 08:44:53.0) Thank you for reaching out with this custom request. Besides the specifics regarding the amount of coating stripped, this seems like a custom which can be requested here on the configurator. Our local office has reached out to you to discuss your custom cable and its feasibility. Ben Routley
 (posted 2023-02-26 15:09:51.09) Hi,
Can I get SM1550P with FC/APC connectors?
Ben jgreschler
 (posted 2023-02-28 03:48:17.0) Thank you for reaching out to Thorlabs. Unfortunately we terminate polyimide coated fiber with the buffer on, so that excludes this fiber from the size restriction of the FC/APC connector type. I have reached out to you directly to discuss possible alternatives. Philipp K.
 (posted 2021-07-08 07:25:32.893) Hi,
I am searching for a pigtailed fiber termination (SM1550 fiber) that can withstand > 5 W (output from fiber). Can you reccomend something? How much power can your stainless steel ferrule connectors withstand when used as an output?
Best regards,
Philipp YLohia
 (posted 2021-07-21 03:31:33.0) Hello Philipp, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. For 1550 nm, the standard FC connector with a SS ferrule termination can probably take up to 1-2 watt without issues (on the output end only and please note that this is not a spec and, thus, we cannot provide guarantees). These may work for your 5 Watt output, but we cannot comment on the feasibility due to lack of test data. We may be able to offer an end-capped fiber patch cable as a special for higher output powers through our Solutions Team (techsales@thorlabs.com). We will discuss the possibility of offering this directly depending on order quantity and exact requirements. user
 (posted 2021-03-11 19:05:51.57) Hello, usually when we order custom optical fibers we like to get the stainless steel ferrule. However, this time we are looking to buy a 1500um fiber and I see that option isn't available. Is there any way to get this? If not are there any other products you provide we could use to get a similarly sturdy fiber end. Thanks. YLohia
 (posted 2021-03-12 03:39:04.0) Hello, we can offer stainless steel ferrules with custom bore sizes. If you're interested in ordering a customization that not possible to do via our custom patch cable online tool, please email techsupport@thorlabs.com. user
 (posted 2020-11-10 07:31:33.773) Is it possible to have precise length of custom made fibers? I need several pieces, 10, 20 and 60 cm long. YLohia
 (posted 2020-11-10 12:02:19.0) Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Custom fibers can be requested by emailing your local Thorlabs Tech Support team (in your case, europe@thorlabs.com). We will discuss the possibility of offering tighter length tolerances directly. user
 (posted 2020-07-29 07:57:57.5) Can you offer glass ferrule for custom patch cables? nbayconich
 (posted 2020-07-29 01:49:23.0) Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We unfortunately cannot offer glass ferrules for our custom fiber optic patch cables. We do however offer glass pigtailed ferrules with FC/PC & FC/APC connectors linked below.
https://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=6321 user
 (posted 2020-01-09 12:55:34.943) I would like you to offer the 350 PM fiber again, several experiments need that fiber. YLohia
 (posted 2020-01-09 03:28:53.0) Thank you for your feedback. We discontinued the PM-S350-HP fiber in Nov. 2019 due to its long lead time (leading into Q1 or Q2 of 2020). To avoid accumulating additional back-orders, we temporarily discontinued this fiber along with the catalog and custom patch cables that it is used in. Upon replenishing the stock inventory of this fiber and its cables, we will re-release the products back into the catalog. Ivan Skachko
 (posted 2019-06-11 14:39:35.177) Hi
Two months ago I ordered Custom Patch Cable - Fiber: FG105LVA, Tubing: FT900KB,
End 1: SMA,
End 2: 2.5mm (FC) Stainless Steel Ferrule,
Length: 10 m ;
Recently I decided to verify NA of the fiber by observing the size of a light spot emerging from the fibre and I found that it is closer to 0.2 rather than 0.1 as specified. Do you know what can cause this?
Ivan nbayconich
 (posted 2019-06-12 10:19:04.0) Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Can you provide more details as to how you are measuring the numerical aperture of the fiber? Our NA tolerance should be 0.100 ±0.015, I will reach out to you directly to help troubleshoot this issue. Demetrios Poulios
 (posted 2019-05-17 13:11:59.867) Is it possible to get a patch cord made with P-10/125DC-PM fiber? Thank you nbayconich
 (posted 2019-05-20 11:55:12.0) Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I will reach out to you directly to discuss our custom capabilities. james.baker
 (posted 2019-02-13 13:19:18.58) Hi there. I'm looking for a UHNA3 patch fibre cable. I'm aiming for a 1.25mm ferrule tip to slot it into as mounting and so need the 900um jacket with it as that is a smaller diameter.
In your website graphic for patch cables you show a patch fibre cable without a sleeve from the ferrule to the jacket, however on the diagram of the Patch Configuration tab, a sleeve is shown. A sleeve would make mounting it very difficult in my situation.
Is it possible to have this kind of fibre end without a sleeve?
Many thanks, James YLohia
 (posted 2019-02-14 09:26:59.0) Hello James, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Custom quotes can be requested by emailing your local Thorlabs Tech Support team (techsupport.uk@thorlabs.com). The ferrule you see in the graphic is a 2.5mm ferrule. We can offer this as a custom item. jil6607
 (posted 2019-01-09 18:56:57.03) Hello.
I am Ji-il Kim in Seoul National University, South Korea.
1. I want a quotation for
including each price, delivery fee and days for delivery.
2. I want to find Y-shape patch cord for optogenetics.
I found Bifurcated Fiber Bundle, 0.39 NA, FC/PC to Ferrules. but there are only Ø200 µm and Ø400 µm Core.
Could I order the patch cords with Ø300 µm ?
Please include the information in the quotation if it is possible.
Thanks. YLohia
 (posted 2019-01-09 10:45:49.0) Hello Ji-Il, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. For quotes on stock items, please contact our Sales Team (sales@thorlabs.com). Custom fiber bundles and patch cables can be requested by emailing Tech Support (techsupport@thorlabs.com). We will reach out to you directly regarding the possibility of offering Bifurcated Fiber Bundles with 300um cores. mst
 (posted 2018-12-14 12:22:53.37) Hello,
I'm in need of a patch fibre cable:
L: 320 mm
Core diam: 400um
NA =0.39
Connector 1: SC
Connector 2: FC
However, a length tolerance of +-7cm is not ok.
M YLohia
 (posted 2018-12-17 09:42:55.0) Hello M, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Custom patch cables are quoted through techsupport@thorlabs.com. We will reach out to you directly to understand your tolerance requirements. camilo.valencia
 (posted 2018-11-29 14:01:54.86) Hi.
I need a FP400URT-CUSTOM opical fiber cable with 1 end with FC/PC connector
1 meter of a Multimode Ø400 µm, 0.50 NA optical fiber FP400URT
1 end with a pigtailed Ferrule SMPF02 to coupling a GRIN lens 0° reference GRIN2908 using a 51-2800-1800 mating sleeve.
Free deep inside the sleeve: 2mm aprox.
Camilo YLohia
 (posted 2018-11-29 09:43:11.0) Hello Camilo, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We will reach out to you directly to discuss the possibility of offering this. Certain custom patch cables can be quoted through our online tool: https://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=2410. For other custom items, please contact techsupport@thorlabs.com. ivan.skachko
 (posted 2018-10-19 17:30:42.45) Can you supply a patch cable having furcation tubing over only a fraction of the total length? For example 10 meters long FG105LVA, SMA connector on one end, 2.5 mm ferrule on the other, with furcation tubing covering 8 meters of the cable's length starting from the SMA connector, so that 2 meters of the cable are left exposed (the inner jacket should remain continuous).
Thanks nbayconich
 (posted 2018-10-22 08:29:57.0) Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Yes we can provide these custom patch cables, I will contact you directly to discuss our custom capabilities. masonkn608
 (posted 2018-06-06 10:27:27.633) If I order a custom cable, with two SMA connectors, and specify the length as 37cm. Is that length defines as from SMA tip to SMA tip? llamb
 (posted 2018-06-07 03:38:32.0) Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. You are correct. The length is defined from tip to tip with a tolerance of ±1% or ±7 cm, whichever is greater. ngurusamuel
 (posted 2018-05-04 21:14:10.607) I need 40m MM custom patch cords with threaded FC/APC connectors. These are for a specialized machine.
My concern is whether the connector will fit on the machine. I can send you photos of the sample connector I have,
Sam. YLohia
 (posted 2018-05-07 08:56:44.0) Hello Sam, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We use standardized 2.0 mm narrow key FC/APC connectors on our multimode fiber patch cables. More info on these can be found here: https://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=6979. I will reach out to you directly to find out more about your machine's FC/APC bulkhead. scannon
 (posted 2018-03-01 11:10:13.427) I have used a couple of your custom fibers for next day need. I would like to talk with someone about doing all our fibers with some different options. YLohia
 (posted 2018-03-30 11:19:12.0) Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We are happy to hear that you have been making use of our customer fiber patch cable online tool. We will reach out to you directly to get details of your requirements. rap
 (posted 2018-01-03 11:13:17.607) We would need a quote on 5 x custom patch, SM450, FT030-BK, FC/PC on both ends, one end AR-coated, length 0.5 m. nbayconich
 (posted 2018-01-05 10:48:08.0) Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We can provide custom AR coated patch cables upon request. I will reach out to you directly with more information. segreto
 (posted 2017-11-06 10:28:26.55) I have found a bug in the chart export/import:
a chart containing "custom fiber optic cables" can be correctly exported to a local excel file but if this same file is uploaded, all the "custom cables" are not loaded to the chart. tfrisch
 (posted 2018-01-04 04:33:37.0) Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Unfortunately, configurable items are not able to be uploaded because their part numbers are not unique and a description is needed to identify its configuration. We will contact you directly to help you place the order. A.SWAAN
 (posted 2017-10-27 12:23:38.293) Can I get a LC/APC connector on a DCF13?
Can I get a SC/APC connector on a DCF13? nbayconich
 (posted 2017-11-02 08:11:45.0) Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We can offer this fiber with SC/APC connectors. I will contact you directly with a quote. aaron.husz
 (posted 2017-08-22 13:20:51.327) I am confused by the fast turnaround service advertised on the website. The website states:
"Fast Turnaround Service
Need a cable right away to finish your project? If your order is placed before 2 PM EST weekdays* and the total order request is for five or less SM or MM cables, each with a maximum individual length of 20 m, we will manufacture and ship them the same day (PM cables ship in 2 days).
*Holiday exceptions apply. Please note that our custom patch cables are manufactured in the United States, which observes the following holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, the 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. At these times, please contact your local sales office for a confirmed production timeline."
I placed an order for a custom cable expecting a lead time of less than 2 days, and was surprised to see a lead time of one week. Does this fast turnaround time not apply to custom cables? tfrisch
 (posted 2017-02-17 04:48:11.0) Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We will reach out to you directly about with quote. spagnuod
 (posted 2017-02-22 13:41:00.19) Hello, I am trying to order 4 custom patch cables but receive an error each time I attempt to order. The specifications are: fiber FG200LCC, tubing FT030-BK, connector 1 Flat Cleave, connector 2 SMA, length 2.5 m. I would also like to send a photo of a connector that is already being used here to find out if it is possible for one like that to be made in place of the SMA. Could someone please contact me about this? Thank you. tfrisch
 (posted 2017-03-03 08:27:52.0) Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We will reach out to you directly about quoting this fibers for you. sych
 (posted 2017-02-16 15:20:47.79) Dear Madam/Sir,
I would like to order 2 custom patch cables but online form gave me an error while sending a request.
Specification: fiber UM22-400, tubing FT900Y, connectors- connector 2 (distal end) I would like to have a ceramic bare ferrule CF440-10, connector 1 (proximal end) should be FC/PC. Just as you have on the example figure "Custom patch cables" above (with yellow tubing). Length 15 m. Depending on the price I may order two of custom patch cables. Could you also send me the price for the length 20 meters long?
Kind regards,
Yaroslav Sych tfrisch
 (posted 2017-08-28 01:19:14.0) Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs and bringing this omission to our attention. The 0.50 NA multimode fibers require a different curing and polishing procedure which is where the increased lead time comes in. We have updated the explanations of our lead times. I will reach out to you directly to discuss your application as well. cykim000
 (posted 2016-10-04 14:02:16.203) We want to the Optical Fiber Ass'y similar to 905 SMA Type.
Core diameter is 0.4mm, without the jacket and Strength member, its consist of only the clad and core. OD(Outer dimension) is 2.2mm. Do you have this kind of Optical Fiber Ass'y? If not, Is it possible you should make by my order?
Steven Kim
82-10-8281-0974 jlow
 (posted 2016-10-04 09:12:44.0) Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: The fiber must have a coating. We can quote a fiber patch cable with the dimensions you requested but it will have a coating. I will contact you directly about this. user
 (posted 2016-08-18 14:47:14.99) Hi, do you produce fibers with a transparent buffer? I need the straylight for the energy calibration. mikael.malmstrom
 (posted 2016-05-30 22:55:29.087) Hi
Can I use eg a PM1550 fiber as a polarization maintaining MM fiber for 532 nm? besembeson
 (posted 2016-06-02 12:45:55.0) Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: We don't recommend that. The cut-off wavelength for the PM1550 is around 1370nm so using the fiber at 532nm is far below the cut-off wavelength which means your output will not be single mode anymore, which will lead to worse PER. paul.pulaski
 (posted 2016-05-23 19:45:31.443) I need to have a custom cable with an SC/APC connector on one end, but I noticed that you only provide SC/PC connectors. Is there or will there be an option for SC/APC connectors?
Paul besembeson
 (posted 2016-05-25 11:48:04.0) Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: We don't currently offer SC/APC connectors as standard solution but we can provide this to you as a special for now. rebon
 (posted 2016-04-28 10:43:33.29) Dear all,
I'm a postdoctoral research at Hamburg Universität. We are interesting in your Single Mode Optical Fiber. As we are going tu use them for single photon detection at 1064nm I think the possibilities are the patch cables SM980, SM980G8, 1060XP and 980HP because the range of operating wavelength is 980-1600 nm. Is it correct? Furthemore, it seems that the 980HP cable has the higher attenuation; as I can see in the corresponding datasheet the attenuation is ≤3.5dB/km at 980nm. But what's the attenuation at 1064nm? Can you send me this information for SM980, SM980G8 and 980HP? It is not specified in the corresponding data sheet. It's only specified for 1060XP (≤1.5dB/km at 1060nm).
Thanks in advance for your reply,
Lorena Rebón besembeson
 (posted 2016-04-28 09:34:44.0) Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: We will contact you with this information. czl0579
 (posted 2016-03-27 18:30:44.343) Do you provide fiber with length ~0.1m? We would like SM980-5.8-125 with FC/PC connector and FT030-Y tubing. besembeson
 (posted 2016-03-28 08:59:57.0) Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: Yes we can provide this to you. I will contact you to get your full configuration. neocc
 (posted 2016-01-14 14:03:49.83) I would like to enquire on the customisation of patch cords. Single-mode,core size 105µm, 1.5m long. One termination will be ST, the other will be a customised one with just the care ferrule of the ST termination. Is this possible? jlow
 (posted 2016-01-14 02:55:19.0) Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: You can order custom patch cables directly on the website at http://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=2410. Also, fiber with 105µm core size is going to be multimode fiber. m.a.garciaporcel
 (posted 2015-05-26 17:23:01.647) I am looking for a photonic crystal large mode area fiber that comes already with connectors but I cannot find those within the list of possible choices.
Is it possible for Thorlabs to provide them? besembeson
 (posted 2015-07-15 03:41:55.0) Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: We can provide his to you. I will follow up by email regarding quoting this. Philip.Schmidt
 (posted 2014-06-27 17:06:22.437) Dear Sir or Madame,
in our optical setup we are using a SM fiber with fc/pc plugs from your company in one arm of a Michelson Interferometer.
Unfortunately the light shining on the fc/pc plug is reflected back to the detector disturbing our measurements. Any attempts to get rid of this by asymmetric beam paths failed since the inception losses get too high. So we are looking for an option at the fiber e.g. a specific plug with a sloping front or an antireflective coating (at the outside).
Browsing at your website I found the AR coated fibers:
“The AR coating is designed to minimize reflections when either launching a free-space beam out of a fiber or coupling a free-space beam into a fiber”
I was confused with the HR coating which has a coating to reflect at the inside of the fiber as far as I get it. But the AR should solve our issue? Or would you recommend any other products or options?
Thanks in advance for any idea and all the best
Philip Schmidt jlow
 (posted 2014-07-14 09:54:37.0) Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: To reduce back reflection, one could try using FC/APC and/or AR coating the end face. We will contact you directly to find a solution for you. tcohen
 (posted 2012-05-14 09:27:00.0) Response from Tim at Thorlabs: The “Ferrule” option on this page is not the same as the glass ferrule used with our GRIN lens. However, we are able to offer glass ferrules and I will contact you for the details of your fiber. jjurado
 (posted 2011-08-17 14:48:00.0) Response from Javier at Thorlabs to l.wright1: Thank you very much for contacting us. We will look into integrating this feature into the form. In the meantime, non-integer lengths can be specified in the Comments field. I will contact you directly for further support. l.wright1
 (posted 2011-08-17 09:33:23.0) Your online form for custom patch fibers does not allow one to enter decimal places - only rounded numbers - for the desired fiber lengths. tor
 (posted 2011-01-10 15:51:25.0) Response from Tor at Thorlabs to Pavel: Thank you for your interest in our patch cables. Our current stock options for AR-coated patch cords are for 1310 nm and 1550 nm, but we are more than happy to provide customization. I will contact you for more details for your quotation. pavel.trojek
 (posted 2010-12-15 18:06:15.0) Are the AR coatings @1310nm and @1550nm the only two you offer for the fibers? I would specifically be interested in custom patch cords (both MM and SM) with AR coated FC/PC connectors centered at around 800 nm. Thanks for the infomation, Pavel Javier
 (posted 2010-06-10 14:09:28.0) Response from Javier at Thorlabs to florent.pellen: I would suggest looking at our graded index plastic optical fibers (http://www.thorlabs.com/NewGroupPage9.cfm?ObjectGroup_ID=2928&pn=GIPOF120). Although they are not fabricated from PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate), which restricts data rates to < 100 MB/s in the NIR, they have much better performance, and support transmission rates up to 10 Gb/s up to 100 m. These fibers are actually manufactured from amorphous perfluorinated polymer, commercially known as CYTOP. I can prepare a quotation for you for an SMA-SMA cable. florent.pellen
 (posted 2010-06-10 09:28:25.0) Do you provide patch cord SMA/SMA with large core diameter(1mm in PMMA)POF?
Thank you for your answer. florent.pellen
 (posted 2010-06-10 09:24:04.0) Im looking for cheap way for transfering data over short length <2m. (data rate is about 1Gbps)
Could you tell me which patch cable solution (SMA to SMA) is the cheapest? (i.e. which fiber type?)
C large core diameter (1mm in PMMA) Adam
 (posted 2010-05-25 14:08:33.0) A response from Adam at Thorlabs to eric: The smallest optical fiber that we sell is the HB800G, which has a cladding size of 80um and a coating size of 170um. The next size up is our standard singlemode fibers, which have a cladding size of 125um and a coating size of 250um. I will contact you directly to find out more information about your application. eric.stone
 (posted 2010-05-25 12:45:50.0) What size is the smallest optical fiber that you supply. Im interested in the mouse brainstem which requires a very narrow fiber. apalmentieri
 (posted 2010-01-06 11:37:33.0) A response from Adam at Thorlabs to wwjd0691: We can provide a patch cable with FC/PC and SMA and a core dieameter of 8.2um. SMF28 has a physical core size of 8.2 - 8.5um. The MFD is about 15% larger than the core. Rule of thumb is that MFD is 15% larger than actual core. From SMF28 spec sheet the cutoff is approximately 1250nm so from an application standpoint 850nm light will be MM in this fiber. If you do not mind using multimode light, then we would recommend using the SMF-28 fiber. apalmentieri
 (posted 2010-01-06 08:47:42.0) A response from Adam at Thorlabs to ssz1612001: I will email you directly to find out what information you are looking for. ssz1612001
 (posted 2010-01-05 22:10:19.0) Dear sir:
Could you provide the patch cable spec for us? wwjd0691
 (posted 2009-07-20 09:57:34.0) I want to buy 2 identical custom patch cable. One end of the patch cable is FC/PC and the other end is SMA. Diameter of fiber core is 8.2 ?. I want to use this cable for broadband light source. If you dont have fiber for broadband, I want to choose a fiber which has center wavelength of around 850 nm. Can you recommend one fiber which is suitable for my application? Thank you so much. Have a good day. Laurie
 (posted 2008-07-01 11:57:44.0) Response from Laurie at Thorlabs to stankov: Krassimir, Someone from our technical support staff will be contacting you shortly to obtain some more information concerning your quote request. stankov
 (posted 2008-06-28 11:06:57.0) Hello,
Please quote for multimode patch cable SMA/SMA, NA=0.22, core 400 µm, or 600 µm or 800 µm, length 3 m. Do you have a cantilevered option for high-power lasers? Do you have a metal jackets as an option?
Quantity: 2, or 5, or 10 pieces, with shipping to Chelmsford, MA.
Krassimir Stankov Tyler
 (posted 2008-03-20 11:07:11.0) Response from Tyler at Thorlabs to Mariana: I will contact you to see if we can provide a product that will satisfy your needs. mariana.carvalho
 (posted 2008-03-19 18:46:38.0) Dear Sir/Madam,
I am looking for Fiber Patch Cable, SMA/SMA, witha a fiber of 75um core diameter.
I couldnt find such a fiber so far. Do you have it?
Thanks for the infomation
Mariana technicalmarketing
 (posted 2008-02-20 12:56:31.0) Thank you for visiting our web site. The feedback tab was created to allow our customers to comment on the presentation itself, the completeness of the information supplied, and any additional specification you would like to see.
Our commitment to you is that if you take the time to post a feedback, we will review each of these responses and factor them into our product development or improvement plans, as well as into our product documentation and improvements to the presentation. Additionally, if you’d like to comment on our service, or ways to improve it, we would greatly appreciate the effort. qweasd
 (posted 2008-02-11 06:16:59.0) I do not know what you mean. Feedback about what???? kbuffington
 (posted 2007-09-20 13:54:57.0) Allow customers to enter more than one at a time. |