- Enclose a Beam Path Within a 16 mm, 30 mm, or 60 mm Cage System
- Sold in Packs of 4, Each 24" Long
For 16 mm Cage
For 30 mm Cage
For 60 mm Cage
Application Idea
The C30L24 and C60L24 covers shown enclosing a cage system.
CP33 Cage Plates
30 mm to 60 mm Cage Plate Adapter
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16 mmケージシステムを取り囲むように取り付けられたケージシステムカバーC16L24。カバーはレール状の構造を利用してケージロッドにスナップオンで取り付けられます。
- 16 mm、30 mmまたは60 mmケージシステム用の長さ609.6 mm(24インチ)のスナップオン式カバー
- 迷光の遮断
- 埃などの異物からの光路の保護
- お好みの長さに切断可能(「切断方法のチュートリアル」タブ参照)
- 4個入りパックで販売
当社のケージシステム用カバーは16 mm、30 mmまたは60 mmのケージシステムに対応します。迷光や裸眼では見えない波長域の光からユーザを保護すると同時に、周囲光や埃などの異物が光路に入るのを防止します。耐衝撃性ポリスチレンプラスチック製で、長さは609.6 mmですが、お好みの長さに簡単に切断することができます。詳細については「切断方法のチュートリアル」タブをご覧ください。
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Posted Comments: | |
Felix Beinlich
 (posted 2021-07-21 10:34:03.28) I can just agree with Yongjin. Cutting as indicated in the tutorial is not working at all. The edges are completely askew and thus do not cover the end areas where the adapter/optic plates are. Without a mitre box saw this product is absolutely not working. YLohia
 (posted 2021-07-29 02:40:26.0) Thank you for the feedback. We're sorry to hear about the difficulty in getting this product to work as advertised. We will consider revising the web documentation to better reflect this. Yongjin Sung
 (posted 2020-10-22 19:53:05.657) The cutting is painful. The suggested method (cut the leg and snap) does not make a sharp edge (hope you try it yourself). I tried a hot knife, which worked better but is not perfect. It is also very tricky to use. Can you please provide any other suggested cutting method? llamb
 (posted 2020-10-26 05:00:27.0) Thank you for your feedback. For a sharper edge, you can consider using a mitre box saw, which can be acquired at hardware stores for relatively cheap. I have reached out to you directly to discuss cutting options as well. |