
- 75 mm or 150 mm Square Plastic Viewing Screens
- 8-32 (M4) Tapped Hole for Post Mounting
- Front and Back Surface Finishes are Ideal for Observing Interference Fringes, Spectra, and Images
8-32 (M4) Tapped Hole
Application Idea
EDU-VS1 Screen Mounted
on a TR3 Ø1/2" Post, PH3
Post Holder, and BA1 Base

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- 2種類のサイズをご用意
- 75 mm x 75 mm
- 150 mm x 150 mm
- 白色ポリスチレン製
- ポスト取付け用M4タップ穴(金属ネジ差込み口)
ポスト取り付け可能で、ポリスチレン製の観測用スクリーンは、干渉パターンやスペクトル、イメージの観察に適しています。スクリーンは75 mm x 75 mmと150 mm x 150 mmの2種類のサイズをご用意しております。厚さはどちらのスクリーンも3.0 mmです。片面は滑らかでマットな仕上がり、もう片面は若干ざらつきのある仕上がりとなっております。 これらの表面仕上げは、光が拡散し、均一な反射をするように、そして干渉パターンなど色々なイメージがうまく見えるように選ばれています。 白いプラスチック製なので、明るいイメージやビームはスクリーンの裏でも観測することができます。
なお、スクリーンをビームブロックなど、レーザービームの安全保護デバイスとしてご使用にならないでください。 プラスチック製で、損傷閾値が低いため、スクリーンは(白色から)やや透明に変色してしまいます。
Posted Comments: | |
Frank Müller
 (posted 2022-10-17 09:12:15.42) I need a larger screen, maybe 300x300mm².
Can you deliver ?
Please quote.
Frank Müller soswald
 (posted 2022-10-17 09:35:27.0) Dear Frank,
thank you for your feedback. We can offer custom-sized versions of these screens, 300 mm x 300 mm should be possible.
I have reached out to you directly to discuss your application in more detail. chris e
 (posted 2022-07-21 10:45:26.133) Hi, do you have surface roughness data? fmortaheb
 (posted 2022-07-26 05:17:34.0) Thank you very much for contacting us. Unfortunately, we don't have any information on the surface roughness on hand. I'll contact you directly to discuss it further. jase jase
 (posted 2022-07-05 15:35:59.823) I would like to view interference patterns in the mid-IR (λ = 3-5 µm), using a mid-IR camera of course. This screen should do the job, right? Thanks. fmortaheb
 (posted 2022-07-11 04:58:31.0) Thank you very much for contacting Thorlabs. We haven't tested them for that range. I'll contact you directly to discuss your application. user
 (posted 2020-08-15 15:02:54.087) what is the LIDT in W/cm^2 and J/cm^2 10ns 1-pulse
thanks soswald
 (posted 2020-08-17 09:39:03.0) Unfortunately we have not specified a damage threshold for the viewing screens. However, the plastic construction most likely results in a very low damage threshold and makes them slightly translucent, so we do not recommend direct exposure of these screens to high power laser beams. melanie
 (posted 2017-03-20 11:34:09.713) What is the minimum incident intensity for a red laser beam to be visible when reflecting from this surface ? jlow
 (posted 2017-03-29 04:49:41.0) Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: This is highly dependent on the person viewing the screen and the room condition. It's not something that we can specify. jay.mathews
 (posted 2015-04-14 17:34:14.727) For the EDU-VS1, it would be nice if one side had a giant bullseye on it. It would be useful for counting fringes, and it would allow you to make large beam or spot sizes for light sources. besembeson
 (posted 2015-04-22 01:44:01.0) Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: This is a good idea. I will follow-up by email to look into the possibility of a special quotation. |