
- High Resistivity Float Zone Silicon (HRFZ-Si)
- Design Wavelength: 300 μm (1 THz)
- Designed for Use with a THz Antenna with a 600 μm Thick Substrate
Hyper-Hemispherical HRFZ-Si Lens for THz Radiation
HSL12 Si Lens Shown as an Integrated Component of the PCA800 THz Antenna (Not to Scale)
THz Output
HSL12 Hyper-Hemispherical Si Lens

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Specifications | ||
Material | Undoped HRFZ-Si | |
Specific Resistance | > 10 kΩ*cm | |
Index of Refraction at 1 THz | 3.41 | |
Clear Aperture | > 90% of Diameter | |
Surface Quality | 80-50 Scratch-Dig | |
Radius of Curvature | 6.0 mm | |
Thickness | 7.1 mm | |
Thickness Tolerance | ±0.1 mm |
- 厚さ600 μmのTHz光伝導アンテナに対応
- 設計波長:300 μm(1 THz)
- 1 THzの波長での屈折率:3.41
- レンズとアンテナのの屈折率を一致させることで表面での屈折を最小限に抑制
テラヘルツ(THz)放射用高抵抗フロートゾーンシリコン(HRFZ-Si)製のハイパー半球レンズHSL12は、THz光伝導アンテナと直接接触させて使用することができます。こちらのハイパー半球型レンズの屈折率は光伝導アンテナの屈折率とほぼ同じため、THz放射の収集角度を大きくすることができます(約70°)。正確な収集角度とTHzの出力プロファイルは、使用する光伝導アンテナに依存します。レンズHSL12を透過した発散THzビームは、THz TPXまたはPTFEレンズ、あるいは軸外放物面ミラーを追加で使用することで集光することができます。
HRFZ-Siは、近赤外(NIR)(1.2 µm)~ミリ波(1000 µm)までの幅広い波長範囲に対応します。 この材料は高耐性でTHz領域に吸収線がないため、優れた透過特性を示し、THz時間ドメイン分光法などの用途に適しています。
Posted Comments: | |
Jinyoung Go
 (posted 2023-12-10 15:26:27.373) I ask you to make mounted version of this lens, for easy mounting and aligning cdolbashian
 (posted 2023-12-15 09:55:46.0) Thank you for reaching out to us with this request! I have submitted it internally for review. In the meantime, the previous feedback response by JPolaris (below) describes a potential mounting solution as well. user
 (posted 2023-06-12 16:44:37.557) Hello, I was wondering if you guys also sell a lens mount for the Hyper-Hemispherical HRFZ-Si THz Lens? Thanks! jpolaris
 (posted 2023-06-15 02:17:03.0) Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The HSL12 hyper-hemispherical HRFZ-Si lens could be mounted in a Ø1/2" lens tube and retained with two retaining rings. The outer diameter of HSL12 is Ø12.0 mm. To center the lens within the Ø1/2" lens tube, a retaining ring would first need to be threaded into the tube. Then, the HSL12 could be centered onto that retaining ring. A second retaining ring would then be used to secure the lens in place. We offer extra-thick retaining rings to provide clearance for spanner wrenches when using especially thick optics. For example, SM05RRC. If you already have a 16 mm cage system in your lab, you might consider our SP14 cage plate, which is designed for Ø12.0 mm optics. I have reached out to you directly to discuss mounting options. SeongHun Jeon
 (posted 2022-08-09 14:54:44.52) Hello, this is Korea Maritime University's Optoelectronic Lab.
I want a Hyperhemispheric silicon lens with a diameter of 10mm and a height of 6.445mm.
Can you customize it?
I'd appreciate it if you could reply. cdolbashian
 (posted 2022-08-15 04:36:38.0) Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry. At this time we are not able to produce a custom Hyperhemispherical lens. For future custom inquiries, please reach out to techsales@thorlabs.com. |